Monday, August 24, 2009

hey everyone read the boys have fun at school this year and lots of picture becky and kalib beautiful hike which i was going lol boy do good at school lv mom and grandma

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hiking to Waukeena Falls/ Fairy Falls/ Waukeena Springs and Multnomah!

We took a 5 mile loop from Waukeena Falls to Fairy Falls to Waukeena Springs and finally to Multnomah falls. I think we hiked a little further then the five mile loop just because we took extra trails for a bit. There are soo many trails on the hike, the route we took wasn't the only way to go. There were trails to Multnomah which is the one we did but there is also trails to Angels Rest, Devils Rest, Larch Mountain, or you can head back to Waukeena Falls. It was AWESOME! There were sooo many waterfalls along the way, you hike about 1/2 mile up and from there you pretty much are following streams that lead to bigger falls. There are also lots of spots to hop in a take a swim if you want. Kalib and i didn't come prepared to swim otherwise we would have but we had the dog with us and no swim gear. Anyways this is definitely a must see sight the next time any of you visit us we would like to take you there because the views are absolutely amazing, it is soo pretty up there. I included pics, sorry our camera isn't very good but hopefully you can get the idea of what it looks like. I think you all would love it!

To the left is further up the trail (it was hard to try to get these pic in the order we took them) It shows the trail to Waukeena Springs. Bottom Right is how close the water fall is, Kalibs hand was almost touching Waukeena Falls. This picture was on the bridge heading over the lower part of the falls.

This was towards the end of the hike, once we finally got to Multnomah the left hand pic is the view from the top. The sunset view on the right is about 1/2 mile up the trail. It was so pretty watching the sunset on the trial. (This was on Sat the 8th before we took alli with us)

This is also a view from about 1/2 mile up the trail.

Here is Kalib and I and to the further right is a picture of the bottom of Waukeena Falls.

This picture is of Waukeena Springs.(to the right) The bottom left is a picture of a snake that we saw, it was on our way to Angel's Rest, which is about half way on the 5 mile loop we took. We stopped at Waukeena Springs first and then started to go see Angel's Rest. It was quit a ways there 2.5 miles so we headed back, plus the fact that we saw a snake freaked me out a bit so i wasn't to thrilled about finishing the hike i was a little freaked out by it.

More falls, and the pic on the right is the top view of Multnomah Falls. I couldn't get that good of a view but you can at least see all the tiny cars at the bottom, which gives you a little idea on how far up we were. The whole trail has alot of switchbacks so you go up a couple hundred feet in a very short period of time.

This is more falls and Kalib, me and alli next to the trail. The pictures on the bottom is Kalib and I next to Waukeena Falls, again it is at the begining of the hike.

Kalib and Alli upper left and Me Kalib and Alli next to waterfalls right along the pathway upper right picture.

Kalib and Alli (Nichole his sister and Rob her husband's dog)
To the right is just right along the trial we saw Fairy Falls. To the left also right on the trail this cool waterfall. Upper Right just more falls!

Bottom Left another waterfall, Bottom Right Waukeena Falls.

-Love Beck & Kalib

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Boys-Aunt Becky & Uncle Kalib

Marcus-Thats cool, we are glad to hear your in football again this year, thats exciting! You will have to have your mom send us pictures! Good luck with the new school year! We miss and love you lots!

Christopher-We wish you could spend your time visiting us too! We miss you all and would love to take you to a few places in portland. Can't wait to see you guys again! We miss and love you lots!

Blake-We hope cubscouts is awesome, hope your making lots of friends there! What are you learning there?We miss and love you lots!

Michael-Hi, we love and miss you too!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

this is michael

michael can't type so i have to do it for him. he says hi hi hi and so on. grandma and papa and aunt becky and uncle kalib, aunt jenny, and aunt maggie and riley. he wuv you and miss you all.

this is blake

i am still in cubscouts and having fun. i cant wait for school to start. i hope to see you all soon. luv you all.

This is now christopher

hi everyone. I am not looking forward to school starting again. i wish we could spend our time going to missoula and portland to see all of you. i miss you and luv you all.

This is Marcus

Hi grandma and grandpa, Aunt Becky and Uncle Kalib, Aunt Jenny, Aunt Maggie and Riley. Christopher and I start football tomorrow and we are both excited to be playing for the same team again. It's really cool cause we are playing for the same team my dad did. well us boys luv you guys and miss you. hope to see you soon.
my mom is going to put more pictures on here.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hermiston For the Weekend Pics

This is Kalibs Family-This was at his Grandma Pearls i think 78th b-day.

Pictures of Kalib and I

Here are the pictures i have been meaning to post, sorry it took me soo long.

Here is the Tie Dye-

More Tie Dye