Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Its not just me who needs to update this blog, this was suppose to be so we all can keep in touch better. So get on it, lol :)

Anyways Kalib and I are doing good so far. Things seem to be getting better but i don't want to get ahead of myself. He should be getting a raise at the end of February and i should have a new job. Yep a new job. Rob is finally starting his own business so i will be leaving with him at the end of the month. I'm really excited because i feel like its a better opportunity and not as stressful as the current situation. Outside of work things are going good, we just hung out with Jessica and Bryson our friends from the beach for Superbowl which was pretty fun. It also seems to be getting sunny out here so im sure Kalib and I will soon be taking advantage of the sun by making a few hiking trips.

I love you all and miss you and hope you all update :)

-Becky & Kalib