Friday, November 19, 2010

Sneaky, Sneaky! Kalib's BIG 25 is coming!

Im trying to plan a surprise party for him. Wednesday night the 24th. I invited 14 people. So far 7 said yes and possibly 9. Getting excited, i've never thrown a surprise party and im hoping he likes it. Trying to be sneaky about it so SHH don't say anything to him! :) Love you guys, ill let ya know how it turns out!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Halloween we ROCKED OUT!

Hey guys, on halloween Kalib and I decided to have a little get together us and a couple of our friends all dressed up like rockers and played rock back here are some pics :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum

These are some pictures from the Museum Kalib and i went to about a month ago. I will update more pictures soon because were gonna be going to a pumpkin patch and October 18th is our 7 year anniversary!! Love you guys!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tuesday Hike

I took a vacation day on the 13th since Kalib gets Tuesdays off and we went hiking at Punch Bowl Falls. It was awesome! The falls were so pretty. It was a 2 mile hike in and 2 miles out so just a sort little hike but amazing. You could stand on top of the waterfall and see the water flowing below you. Im glad we got out for a hike, it was nice. Here's a pic. This obviously is not a picture i took, but i do have pics of Kalib and i, i just need upload them. I also jumped in for a swim, the water was great.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Kalib's Cousin's Wedding!

In case you didn't hear we just got back from Kalib's cousin's wedding. Her name is Kaila and she is really nice. I believe she is in her mid 20's. Kalib and i dressed up, he looked good all spiffyed up :). This is a pic we took of the kalib's dad's side of the family. From left to right (Nichole, Rob, Cohen, Crystal, Mark, Aspyn, Kendall, Kalib, Becky, Grandma Hughes, Grandpa Hughes, Teresa, & Larry) Anyways the only thing else new is that we get to go see "The Last Airbender" for free on tues the 29th before it even hits theaters. I have some special promotion thing for 2 tickets. We have been following the cartoon for sometime hoping they would make a movie so we are super excited to go see it! Anyways I don't have myspace or facebook and half the time i don't get a chance to talk to some of you for awhile so ya you need to post! Love you guys!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Chip Foose!!!

Kalib and I stood in line for 6 hours waiting to get these pics and two signatures. I was sooo tired but it was well worth it! Chip is really cool he does anything for his fans because as tired as we were i knew he had it worse then us. Just standing and signing for hours. Anyways we met some friend standing in line for that long ha ha. Here are the pics of Kalib, I and FOOSE! Enjoy. Love you and miss you guys!