Thursday, June 24, 2010

Kalib's Cousin's Wedding!

In case you didn't hear we just got back from Kalib's cousin's wedding. Her name is Kaila and she is really nice. I believe she is in her mid 20's. Kalib and i dressed up, he looked good all spiffyed up :). This is a pic we took of the kalib's dad's side of the family. From left to right (Nichole, Rob, Cohen, Crystal, Mark, Aspyn, Kendall, Kalib, Becky, Grandma Hughes, Grandpa Hughes, Teresa, & Larry) Anyways the only thing else new is that we get to go see "The Last Airbender" for free on tues the 29th before it even hits theaters. I have some special promotion thing for 2 tickets. We have been following the cartoon for sometime hoping they would make a movie so we are super excited to go see it! Anyways I don't have myspace or facebook and half the time i don't get a chance to talk to some of you for awhile so ya you need to post! Love you guys!

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