Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hello from P-Town!!

Hey all,
This is Beck and Kalib. I thought i would start a family blog so in case we can't keep in touch over the phone as often as we'd like, we can post up on here new things going on. Plus we can view recent pictures of each other.

I guess an update on Kalib and I...Well i think we are moving back to Montana if we haven't already told ya that. We aren't sure on the date as we are working to save the money to move.

We just got back from babysitting Kalib's sister Nichole's dog/house. Here's a picture of us with her :) We had 4th of july out there with our friends. We barbequed and just hung out. We went to the river earlier in the day, it was soo hot! We also have some firework pictures i attached. Not too much going on here in Portland, just getting ready for the move is all. Looking forward to seeing what everyone else adds on here.

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