Tuesday, July 28, 2009

my first post

hey everyone i miss you all sorry i haven't had a chance to get on here and write you all, but i've been workin lot like always on top of that im not really ever home cuz all my free time is spent at my boyfriends im still living with mom and dad but i dont stay here much more since i got a new guy in my life he's really sweet, owns his own house, has a car a truck and a 67 chevy nova he makes good money and he treats me better then anyone ive ever been with the only set back is that he's 28 yrs old but i dont care about his age he takes good care of me which is something i really needed. nothin else is really new wit me except i cut the tip of my middle finger off at work it was really bad but they were able to save it and stich it back on it will take awhile to heal but at least they saved it my face is startin to clear up a bit im gettin taller every day which is good maybe ill finally grow into my big feet lol i can wear a size 11 in mens kind of sad and my hair is almost to the bottom of my back dad loves it and told me not to cut it which i wouldn't anyways but that's about all that's goin on in my wonderfull life i love you all and ill try to post on here more offten also thanks fer the cake beck it looks so pretty to bad i couldn't eat it one more thing thanks fer puttin that pic of me on here since i couldn't figure it out i wanted u all to see it anyways im done now love you

Love Always Jennifer

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