Friday, April 16, 2010

Funeral Day

I haven't updated in awhile. I really miss grandpa and im sorry i couldn't make it there. I wrote that poem so hopefully he knows how much i care!

On another note things are going good, it seems like my second job is slowing down and soon i will only be working there so i can't wait! It will be nice to actually have a night when i get off work. Kalib's job is good, his insurance kicked in and he got a raise. We will officially have caught up all our bills this week. Now we can focus on getting things paid off/down. Im really ready for summer, i'm hoping to make it up for Jen's bday but we'll see. Kalib and i haven't been doing much besides working. We've been trying new recipes for dinner and snack but that's about it. Hope all is well with you guys! i love you and miss you all!

-Beck & Kalib

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