Friday, April 16, 2010


Even though i feel you are gone
I know you in my heart that your soul will live on
As a tear drops drips down my face, I think of where you must be
You are in heaven above, i know that's what you see
You and grandma finally are together.
The two of you truly were soul mates forever.
So as i sit hear and think about how sad that i feel
I will also take a moment to kneel
I pray to God to make sure you made it up there okay
I know heaven will make you happy each and every day
So even though i cry that your gone
I know you still are my Great Grandpa Don
The memories will live on forever in my mind
Even though i wish time would rewind
I want to tell you again how much i care
But I know i will someday meet you up there.
I am lucky to have had you in my life for that time
But you are now where your needed. I know life was climb

Love Always,


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