Friday, November 19, 2010

Sneaky, Sneaky! Kalib's BIG 25 is coming!

Im trying to plan a surprise party for him. Wednesday night the 24th. I invited 14 people. So far 7 said yes and possibly 9. Getting excited, i've never thrown a surprise party and im hoping he likes it. Trying to be sneaky about it so SHH don't say anything to him! :) Love you guys, ill let ya know how it turns out!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Halloween we ROCKED OUT!

Hey guys, on halloween Kalib and I decided to have a little get together us and a couple of our friends all dressed up like rockers and played rock back here are some pics :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum

These are some pictures from the Museum Kalib and i went to about a month ago. I will update more pictures soon because were gonna be going to a pumpkin patch and October 18th is our 7 year anniversary!! Love you guys!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tuesday Hike

I took a vacation day on the 13th since Kalib gets Tuesdays off and we went hiking at Punch Bowl Falls. It was awesome! The falls were so pretty. It was a 2 mile hike in and 2 miles out so just a sort little hike but amazing. You could stand on top of the waterfall and see the water flowing below you. Im glad we got out for a hike, it was nice. Here's a pic. This obviously is not a picture i took, but i do have pics of Kalib and i, i just need upload them. I also jumped in for a swim, the water was great.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Kalib's Cousin's Wedding!

In case you didn't hear we just got back from Kalib's cousin's wedding. Her name is Kaila and she is really nice. I believe she is in her mid 20's. Kalib and i dressed up, he looked good all spiffyed up :). This is a pic we took of the kalib's dad's side of the family. From left to right (Nichole, Rob, Cohen, Crystal, Mark, Aspyn, Kendall, Kalib, Becky, Grandma Hughes, Grandpa Hughes, Teresa, & Larry) Anyways the only thing else new is that we get to go see "The Last Airbender" for free on tues the 29th before it even hits theaters. I have some special promotion thing for 2 tickets. We have been following the cartoon for sometime hoping they would make a movie so we are super excited to go see it! Anyways I don't have myspace or facebook and half the time i don't get a chance to talk to some of you for awhile so ya you need to post! Love you guys!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Chip Foose!!!

Kalib and I stood in line for 6 hours waiting to get these pics and two signatures. I was sooo tired but it was well worth it! Chip is really cool he does anything for his fans because as tired as we were i knew he had it worse then us. Just standing and signing for hours. Anyways we met some friend standing in line for that long ha ha. Here are the pics of Kalib, I and FOOSE! Enjoy. Love you and miss you guys!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Funeral Day

I haven't updated in awhile. I really miss grandpa and im sorry i couldn't make it there. I wrote that poem so hopefully he knows how much i care!

On another note things are going good, it seems like my second job is slowing down and soon i will only be working there so i can't wait! It will be nice to actually have a night when i get off work. Kalib's job is good, his insurance kicked in and he got a raise. We will officially have caught up all our bills this week. Now we can focus on getting things paid off/down. Im really ready for summer, i'm hoping to make it up for Jen's bday but we'll see. Kalib and i haven't been doing much besides working. We've been trying new recipes for dinner and snack but that's about it. Hope all is well with you guys! i love you and miss you all!

-Beck & Kalib


Even though i feel you are gone
I know you in my heart that your soul will live on
As a tear drops drips down my face, I think of where you must be
You are in heaven above, i know that's what you see
You and grandma finally are together.
The two of you truly were soul mates forever.
So as i sit hear and think about how sad that i feel
I will also take a moment to kneel
I pray to God to make sure you made it up there okay
I know heaven will make you happy each and every day
So even though i cry that your gone
I know you still are my Great Grandpa Don
The memories will live on forever in my mind
Even though i wish time would rewind
I want to tell you again how much i care
But I know i will someday meet you up there.
I am lucky to have had you in my life for that time
But you are now where your needed. I know life was climb

Love Always,


Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Its not just me who needs to update this blog, this was suppose to be so we all can keep in touch better. So get on it, lol :)

Anyways Kalib and I are doing good so far. Things seem to be getting better but i don't want to get ahead of myself. He should be getting a raise at the end of February and i should have a new job. Yep a new job. Rob is finally starting his own business so i will be leaving with him at the end of the month. I'm really excited because i feel like its a better opportunity and not as stressful as the current situation. Outside of work things are going good, we just hung out with Jessica and Bryson our friends from the beach for Superbowl which was pretty fun. It also seems to be getting sunny out here so im sure Kalib and I will soon be taking advantage of the sun by making a few hiking trips.

I love you all and miss you and hope you all update :)

-Becky & Kalib

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Birthday

Kalib is awesome!!! He got me a guitar, a really nice perfume called armani code and aday at the spa package. I can't believe how sweet and awesome at gift giving he is! Ill update u all when i can play a song im super excited about learning it, i attached a pic of it.

Happy Birthday Mis!

Hey Kalib and i just want to say happy birthday. Love ya and miss ya